Sunday, September 13, 2009

We Did It!

I Know...I know! It is awfully late for me to be posting the first information of the day. It was indeed a busy day, but a good one. Our church service was a smashing success, and I have the pictures to prove it. You may recognize Kay, she did the children's sermon, and you may recognize me. I am the very boring looking dude in the suit. There were 105 seats that were filled, so not many were available for non-blog followers. There were quite a number of folks that had never been to St. John's before, and for that, we are truly thankful.
A quick update on Mark's status. We don't know anything new "officially" yet, but Mark told Liz, his wife, that he will be back to work on Friday. I don't think he quite realizes the time it takes to recover from a nasty burn. As Liz was leaving for Seattle Kay told her that if Mark does get out of the hospital that quickly they should take a vacation.
We quickly drove from the church, passing briefly through home to change, and off to my first softball game of the fall season. I play with a bunch of my former co-workers at KHQ-TV for Flamin' Joes, a wing and beer place on Spokane's northside. In the first game of a doubleheader we were down 5-0 in the top of the 7th. What slow-pitch softball team can't score a run in 6 innings? We did manage 1 run in the top of the 7th, but went down to a "flamin' defeat". In the second game we held the other team scoreless in the top of the first, and then erupted for three in the bottom of the frame. By our last at bat, we found ourselves down 6 to 4, but came up with 3 in the bottom of the 7th for a walk off victory. From there it was back to the church to clean up the construction site and reset the regular church facility, home to mow the lawn and start cutting down a tree (more on that tomorrow), spend some time on the porch with the neighbors, and now we have a chicken cooking on the grill. Dinner eta? usual.

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