Wednesday, September 23, 2009

All's Quiet On The Western Front

The air is now cooling quickly after a very warm day. Today's high temperature was 90 degrees in Spokane, which missed the record high by only one degree, and was 21 degrees above the normal high of 69. The warm weather will be hanging on for the next several days, although it won't be AS warm as today. Tomorrow we will see the peak afternoon temperature at about 85 degrees, and it will be closer to 80 on Friday and Saturday. There are signs that by the middle of next week the feel of fall will be in the air with cooler temperatures and some rain.

There have been no new revelations from Beth today concerning her relationships with members of the opposite sex. I don't know if that is good news or bad. As her father I am not really sure what to make of this boyfriend stuff. I was a boyfriend a couple of times way back when, and to tell you the truth, I don't know what to make of that either. I am sure that the next week or two will be very revealing, and very interesting in regards to all of this.

I am looking forward to tomorrow. I plan to get up early to prepare for the Bible study that I lead on Thursday mornings, which I term "Lutheranism 101". It is basically a review of what we believe as Lutheran Christians. The study is from 8:30 to 9:30am, and after that I get to go down to the new church construction site for the morning snack and devotions. The food is always good and I have a great time talking with the Laborers and their wives. Each day a different couple takes their turn leading the devotion so they are always interesting and enlightening. After that I have a few things to accomplish before going off to teach my meteorology class at 11:30. I have a "date" to meet an old buddy from the TV station, Clarence, to play tennis after class. While I was working at the station we would play every week, but since I am no longer there we have not been getting together near as much. We always have a good time, no matter who wins. I am hoping that Kay and I can finish the altars for the pre-school later in the afternoon so that I can post some picture of them tomorrow.

Finally, I have a Brady update. For those of you who are new to this blog, Brady is my little buddy, and he lives across the street. Brady is a 3 year old who acts like he is 3 years old. Tonight Kay and I were having supper, BLT's, and the back door to the garage opened and in came Brady. Of course he had a million question, most of which centered around bacon. We had a dinner guest, although he wasn't all that interested in eating. I would have more to write about the experience except that we had to rush off to choir practice, so Brady had to head back home.

That's all for tonight.

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