Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Picture Time

Here are the pictures that I promised. Notice the green grass! No, that is fresh hydro seed. It is the middle of November, so I can't imagine that it is possible that this stuff will last through the winter and produce a lawn in the spring. I'm no landscaping expert, just a skeptic. Also, notice the vertically oriented shot. The guys that are taping the sheet rock are up on those lifts, basically hanging from the rafters to do the finishing work. This is not a job that I aspire to! All of the insulation is now in and the drywall is going up very quickly. At this point I am planning to have services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in the new church. As Willie, our Project Manager, says "if we don't have a temporary occupancy permit, and have Christmas services in the new building what are they going to do about it? Good point! The floors and the ceilings are going into the education wing right now so that is just about done. The pipe-organ will begin to be installed around the first of December and that is one of the final steps. We may have to sit on folding chairs at Christmas, but we are still going to be in the new building. I can hardly wait!

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