Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I am absolutely disgusted!  Imagine the shock that I experienced last evening as I was perusing the food ads from the newspaper (we don't actually get the local rag...there is nothing there worth reading...but we do get the advertising sections delivered to our front porch every Sunday and Wednesday) and a came across the Safeway section hawking Kokanee beer for $10.99 a 12 pack.  Now that is not a very favorable price, but that is not the problem.  Much to my shagrin I read the fine print regarding one of my favorite brews and discovered that they are now delivering this liquid gold in bottle of only 11 and a half ounce volume.  Calamity...catastrophe...a considerable setback.  They never asked me if this move was acceptable!  Now I say NO!!!  I will not put up with this.

As the scientific researcher that I am I decide to stop by one of the local grocers to investigate the volume of the bottles offered by the other brewers of the region.  Each and every one of them...other than Kokanee...still gives us the full measure of our malted beverage...the only ethical supply of a full 12 fluid ounces.  Brothers and sisters I call you to join me in saying "we are not going to take this!"  I call for a boycott of Kokanee beer until such time as they repent of their wicked ways and restore their bottles to their rightful size.  All evening long I have been doing my best to rid our household of this devil's brew (hic').  I should be finished in few hours.  Again, I say, rise up!  Don't let the corporate greed hit us where it hurts the most...in our beer!  Join me in my boycott...until these rubes see the error of their ways.  Let's hit 'em where it hurts...below the belt!  I mean in the wallet.  Beer bellies unite to squash this terrible injustice.

1 comment:

  1. Brian, unfortunately this is all too common with the products we consume. The amount we get shrinks while the price we pay stays the same, or goes higher. I email the companies and let them know how I feel, then I find other products who aren't taking advantage of their consumers.
