Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Right Back Into Winter

Over the last weekend the weather was just about ideal. I guess that was all of the summer that we are going to get as today we were back into the cold...and I mean cold...and wet weather. The best that we have been able to do is 51 degrees, and this is the middle of June. Fortunately for my tennis posse we were able to get an indoor court this morning, so that we didn't freeze to death or drown. The morning's tennis adventure was quite good as we all seemed to play pretty well and the competition was spirited.

Up to this point it has been a busy week. My summer quarter seminary class began on Monday. This quarter they are trying to teach us to preach. Now I've always had a lot to say, and have never been too shy about saying it, so it will be interesting to see how I can better get my message across. Yesterday, Tuesday, I got to officiate over my first wedding. Since I am not yet licenced or ordained I had to have the assistance of my coach, the very Reverend Virtus Young. I did most of the ceremony, including the message, while he did the vows to satisfy the legal requirements of the State of Washington. The payoff was a very good dinner at the Davenport Hotel.

Looking ahead to the rest of the week, the weather will be getting better. It has to, it can't get much worse! Tomorrow will still be cool and showery, but not as cold as today. By the weekend we should be back up near 70 degrees once again, and most of the rain showers should be over the mountain areas to our north and east. There is still no sign of our first hot stretch of the season yet, as the temperatures should remain moderate through all of next week.

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