For whatever reason, and I have no idea why, I just couldn't get over the feeling that my hair really looked goofy today, and there wasn't anything that I could do about it. Now I don't usually worry too much about what my hair looks like, but everytime there was a mirror within sight, or whenever I saw a reflection in a window it was, wow...does my hair ever look goofy! I am surprised that I had time to notice, as the day's work has just ended, about 14 and a half hours after it started. There was the usual work of the day at the church, along with a good healthy dose of this week's homework for my seminary class. Add to that a meeting this evening and the fact that I gave the first test of the quarter in my aviation weather class, and the papers needed to be graded, it all made for a full day. Just a note on the meteorology exam...this is my 5th year of teaching the course and it is amazing that the distribution of grades turns out to be almost exactly the same every year. A couple of students ace the thing, a couple absolutely bomb, and the majority come in at around 80 percent, give or take a few points. The names and faces change but the grades never do.
Kay is in Seaside, Oregon tonight, along with Carolyn our school adminstrator and Kindergarten-First Grade Teacher. They drove the 8 hours to get there today, and I am told that Carolyn only asked 17 times if Kay needed to "stop to go potty". Their conference starts tomorrow, at which time 586 women will ask every 10 minutes if anyone needs to "stop to go potty". Seaside is out on the Oregon coast, on the side of the sea, and if it ever stops raining this week the gang might just be able to see the sea. Speaking of rain, we have a little of that around the Spokane area tonight. It is kind of damp, but there hasn't been much falling this evening above a few spits and sprinkles. It will probably pick up a bit overnight, and then most of it should have passed us by before daybreak. A few drips may linger into tomorrow, but the day looks mainly cloudy with an afternoon high temperature in the mid 50s. Today we reached 47 degrees, the warmest since last Thursday, so 50s should be rather comfortable. It still looks like we will reach into the 60s by Friday. In general the weather will be mostly cloudy for the next several days, and little light rain will fall from time to time.
I have received two request for the famous pasta sauce, so it is my intent to post that recipe tomorrow. Then again, I promised that I would put up some pictures of the current status of the church building today, and you can see that I welched on that promise, so don't hold your breath on the recipe either. I will get there...eventually. Being a slacker by nature it just takes me a while to "get 'er done"!
Don't know when Kay will be coming back towards the east, but, tell her she can stop and go potty at The Kilians if she needs to! :)