Thursday, September 24, 2009

Uff Da!

For all who are of Norwegian heritage, or have spent a significant time in the area of Wisconsin and Minnesota, you know what the term "uff da" means. It is what you say at the end of a day where things never seemed to slow down, or when there is just more going on than you can reasonably handle. Today was such a day. It wasn't a bad day, no not at all. It was just one of those days where "the hurrier I go the behinder I get!" I think that you probably know what I am talking about.

As I approach the weekend I am trying to get as much done as possible because very early on Sunday morning I will be winging my way toward Fort Wayne, Indiana to begin a new chapter in my life. I have to be there bright and early on Monday morning to begin a new round of education, a seminary education that will most likely lead me to be the Pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church. I have actually already begun the process by reading one of the required textbooks for the first course that I will take. The great thing about my seminary training is that nearly all of it will be done online so that I can continue to serve my church while I pursue the education necessary to serve the church properly. There is nothing really all that different or special about the person who is the Pastor of a church, or at least there shouldn't be, He is just the lead sheep in the flock.

Tomorrow is looking like another one of those days. I have my regular Friday morning tennis outing, or drubbing is probably a better word, at 8:00am. After that there will be a little time to spend at the church before heading off to the community college to prepare for lab day tomorrow. Right after that will be a visit to the home of one of the members of our church. That could take several hours in I let it, and then back to the church to get done all that I didn't get done today, and some of the stuff that I would normally do next week, while I am gone to Fort Wayne. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. Okay...maybe I am whining just a bit.

The weather remains a non issue, just plain beautiful. Today was a sunny day with a high temperature of 84. Tomorrow should be equally as sunny and around 80 in the afternoon, after a nice cool low of about 50 early in the morning. It still looks like a nice weekend, and it still looks like it will get cooler and wetter next week. I guess its about time since October begins next Thursday.

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