The sun has finally come out this afternoon here in northeastern Indiana, and it has turned out to be a nice crisp fall afternoon. The temperature has gotten up to the low 60s. With a clear sky tonight and light winds it will be cold tonight, with frost likely by morning as the temperatures dip to the low 30s. Tomorrow looks like a beautiful day with temperatures rising to the middle 60s by late afternoon under a brilliant blue sky. There is rain expected again for Friday, but I don't really care since I will be headed home. Chilly describes the day today in Spokane as it got down to an official low of 34 degrees this morning. This afternoon the temperature has had to fight to get out of the 40s! Tonight we will be back down into the mid 30s again, with a crisp fall day tomorrow. Thursday's high should be back up around 60 degrees. It wasn't that long ago that it was 80, last Saturday in fact, but it looks like those days are gone for this year. Heading into the weekend we will see the rain chances picking up again, and the chilly weather will be reinforced. Highs on the weekend will be in the 50s.
Today's classwork was fascinating. We spent most of the day examining the post-modern American culture with the focus on how each generation relates to life. All of this was done with an eye on how the church needs to adapt its methods to be relevant, and reach members of the "Baby Boom" generation, "Generation X" and the "Millennials". Most of us in the group are Baby Boomers, with today's sessions lead by a Generation X'er, and a Millennial present to add her perspective. The information was very pertinent, and the presentation, by Bill Johnson, was tremendous. We asked a lot of questions and discussions continually broke out. The information that came out today will be very valuable in our church. We must never change the message, the Gospel, but how it is delivered has to change in order to reach people of all ages.
Pastor Young left today, and as I write this he is probably at 35,000 feet somewhere over Iowa, heading through Salt Lake City toward Spokane. My class will be finished tomorrow at noon, but I won't be leaving until Friday morning. I am hoping to get out and see the sights of Fort Wayne tomorrow afternoon. That should take about 9 minutes so I will have to figure out what to do with the rest of the day.
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