Saturday, September 19, 2009

The day is done, and all in all I would term it a great success. The steeple was placed atop the new church this morning, on schedule, and our Praise In The Park service came off quite well, with the weather being mostly cooperative. I don't mean to complain, but a few things could have been better. I alerted the news media, all of the TV stations and newspapers in the area, that the steeple would be going up this morning. How many showed up? NONE. This is a good indication why newspaper circulation and TV news viewership is in a free fall. They don't cover local news, unless there is gruesome pictures or video. But, don't get me started on that. It also would have been nice if a few more people from the neighborhoods would have come to the Praise In The Park celebration. We have no control over that, but it was a wonderful time. We sang, we listened to wonderful music, we prayed, and for many of us, we had tears in our eyes on more than one occasion. I have to give my sincerest thanks to the Haas family and Doug and Candy Ginz for providing our music. This is something that we will definitely do again, but not until well after the upcoming winter is over. It was a little chilly today, but the rain stayed away and the wind was manageable. It did blow some of the music around.
In football it was a good day too. The Badgers won big for a change, but I know that some fans will think that it wasn't big enough. The Washington State Cougars came from behind to win in overtime, and the Washington Huskies beat USC. I am NOT a Huskie fan, but I do like to see USC go down to defeat.
Weather? Tomorrow looks great, with a crisp cool start, and I nice afternoon. The heat will be on again next week. Oh...its 9:15pm...time for dinner!

1 comment:

  1. Brian,,,,,,what do you mean there was no TV coverage,,,,,I guess there should have been a murder or something tragic...Its too bad, with all the work and volunteer work, one would think there should have been some recognition thrown in their direction...
