Friday, April 8, 2011

A Real Struggle

Due to the fact that I have to write SO much for my work and for school it seems as if the last thing that I want to do is write more.  That is a weak apology for my lack of presence in this space.  Due to the well known fact that my wife, Kay, is the smartest person on the face of the planet she has come up with a solution.  She has suggested that I just post daily about the weather, and then add a line or two that might be interesting.  Well then, here it is...

Today's weather was beautiful, so I spent most of the day doing the yard work that has been neglected during  the past month of chilly and rainy weather.  All of the raking is done, the planting beds have been cleaned out, and I am about to die!  At least it feels like it.  The weather tomorrow is going to be pretty decent as well, although not as sunny as today.  Today we reached into the upper 50s, and tomorrow we should be in the same ballpark with increasing clouds through the afternoon.  On Sunday the rain should be back by mid to late afternoon, just in time for softball practice at 3:00pm.

1 comment:

  1. Spokane's weather you say, I guess I'll just watch Idaho's own meteroligist on channel 7. Not only that, no more Brady updates??? :(
