This is the weekend in which I will go from two employers to four, and we'll see if these aging tree trunks that I have for legs will be able to carry me through another basketball season. This evening I will be hitting the court again to officiate 3 games for the season opening tournament of the local AAU branch. I am working under the umbrella of the Washington Officials Association and the Spokane Basketball Officials...they will be signing the pay check. Tomorrow and Sunday afternoons I have 3 more games in each case, and in this instance I will be working directly for the AAU...they will be signing another paycheck. The bottom line is that I will be running up and down the floor chasing a bunch of kids over the course of 9 games this weekend covering about 11 hours worth of time. All the while I will be getting yelled at by coaches and parents. Sound like fun, doesn't it? Actually, it is!
It has already been an active day as I rose up early in the morn to head for the Community College for the Friday morning lab session of the meteorology course that I teach...another employer. I returned home to the wife and a 4 year old son, as Brady is spending the day in our care. After choking down a bit of breakfast it was off to the tennis court...I just can't stay out of court...for my usual Friday morning romp with the posse. I was going to title this post "Grumpy Old Men"...or more appropriately "Grumpy Old Man" as one member of the posse vehemently chewed me out, in front of the wife and Brady, for my somewhat less frequent pattern of posting on this site of late. I am not going to out anyone, but John was a little testier than normal this morning. My performance on the tennis court this morning better not be an indication of my performance on the basketball court this evening or I am headed for trouble, and probably a smaller backside as it gets chewed by coaches and fans. After tennis Brady and I took to cleaning up the backyard. We have been treated to several days of dry weather so I got my mower out, and Brady got his, and we went to hacking. Since the last time I mowed the dog, Dixie, has left more than her fair share of lawn treats. We also raked up a nice size pile of leaves, away from Dixie's dumping grounds, for Brady to jump into. That boy has a real talent for running full speed and then jumping head first into a pile of leaves.
Right now I am seated at my desk at the church...the primary employer. We were supposed to have some website and tech training this afternoon, but it got cancelled at the last minute. Brady is taking his afternoon nap on the couch in our upstairs media/playroom. That is where we keep the toys that Brady likes to build things with. That boy has a real talent for napping hard and waking up with an extreme case of "bed head". I am getting geared up for all of the events of the weekend ahead...which by the my favorite weekend of the year. This is the weekend that Daylight Saving Time ends, and we push our clocks back an hour on Saturday night. That makes this the longest weekend of the year, which is exactly why it is my favorite.
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