Monday, August 24, 2009

The Deed Is Done

Hey...I missed you this morning! Sorry, we spent last night in the small town of Mountian Lake, in southwest Minnesota, and there wasn't a wi-fi connection to be found. Tonight finds us in lovely Fort Morgan, Colorado, about 80 miles northeast of Denver. As I look out from our hotel window I see Arby's McDonalds and Taco Johns, a veritable diner's paradise!

There are only two of us in the hotel room tonight, just Kay and I. Late yesterday afternoon the two of us hopped in our borrowed SUV and drove away from Concordia University-St. Paul leaving Beth behind. She, and we, finally got to meet her roommate, Amanda. She often goes by the name of Amy, and her dad says she is quite stubborn. That is a pretty good description of Beth too, so they should get along very well. Moving Beth into the dorm was quite and adventure. The whole time that we were there Kay and Beth were at each other's throats about how the room should be put together, and what needed to be done and when. I tried to stay out of the fray as much as possible. Just about everything did find a place in the end, but no doubt that place will be very different very soon.

The drive to Mountain Lake took about 3 hours. We spent the evening and the night in the home of Kay's Uncle Bob and Aunt Diane. Bob is the Pastor of the Lutheran Church in Mountain Lake, where he has been for 15 year. It was nice to catch up on things with them, and after a nice breakfast of homemade blueberry muffins and fresh fruit we hit the road at about 9:30 this morning. We dodged road construction again for most of the day, and rolled into Fort Morgan about 7:00pm Mountain Time, gaining an hour along the way. Tomorrow we will head up into the Rockies, with our sights set on Rocky Mountain National Park, and Steamboat Springs, and who knows what else from there. We will park the Pathfinder wherever the spirit moves us. Our weather was fairly uneventful. A strong south wind, a head wind for a good part of the day, put a dent in the gas mileage, and a little rain fell on the last hour or so in northeast Colorado, otherwise it was a pretty average day. In Spokane it was beautiful, but you already know that. The official high was 81 degrees, and the sky was sunny. Tuesday will be more of the same, just about the same. Wednesday should be sunny and a bit warmer, with a high in the mid 80s. From there it gets hot again, with highs in the 90s Thursday and Friday, and near 90 over the weekend. The daily weather will be mostly sunny, and the nights clear and rather warm.

It is time for a beer after a long day on the road...see you in the morning!

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